VET Student Loans
- VET student loan is a loan that gives rise to a VET debt that continuous to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid.
- VET student loans will not be approved for students who do not meet eligibility requirements.
Please refer to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment VET Information Booklet which provides information for students applying for VET student loans.
- A copy of the VET Information Booklet can be downloaded here.
- Read more about Tuition Protection on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment website.
Please refer to Airflite Flying College Student Handbook for all VSL processes conducted at AFC.
For course start dates and census days please refer to AFC schedule of fees.
Additional Information
Additional related information on VET Students Loans and other Australian Government financial assistance for training and study is provided via the following links:
- VET Student Loans website – public information of the VSL program provided by Australian Government, Department of Education, Skills and Employment.
- MySkills website – national directory of vocational education and training (VET) organisations and courses provided by Australian Government, National Careers Institute.
- VSL Eligibility Tool – for prospective students to check your eligibility for a VET Student Loan and should be used as a guide only
- StudyAssist website – information for students about government for financing tertiary study provided by Australia Government.
- Australian Taxation Office website – public information on study and training support loans provided by Australian Government, Australian Taxation Office.
- Centrelink website – payments and services provided by Australian Government, Services Australia including:
- ABSTUDY – a group of payments for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students or apprentices.
- Austudy – financial help if you’re 25 or older and studying or an Australian Apprentice.
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement – An extra payment each fortnight while you’re improving your skills in the Skills for Education and Employment program.
- Pensioner Education Supplement – a regular extra payment to help with study costs if you get certain income support from Centrelink.
- Relocation Scholarship – A once a year payment if you get ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance. You must also need to move to or from a regional or remote area for higher education study.
- Rent Assistance – A regular extra payment if you pay rent and get certain payments from Centrelink.
- Student Start-up Loan – A voluntary loan you can get up to twice a year if you’re an eligible higher education student.
- Tertiary Access Payment – A payment to help students with the cost of moving from regional or remote areas for tertiary study.
- Youth Allowance – financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice.
- Indigenous Student Success Program website – Australian Government, National Indigenous Australians Agency provides supplementary funding to universities to help students take on the demands of university and succeed.